[SOLVED] A bug in button & watermark to upload file

I create a form with Indonesian language, in that form I have 1 field to upload picture. The problem is the button and watermark still in English. I have tried to update in Application Language but I can not find it. Please fix them.

Scriptcase Developer

Image field.PNG


for buttons you can change them under “layout > css buttons”, see relative language and apply, or put your language directly in buttons… or you can use your own pointing to some language file within the toolbar part and then rename your buttons accordingly

but for watermark, which I assume you mean “No file chosen” thing I afraid that needs more digging, it is not available by default unless the guys around faced this before and managed to localize it? didn’t have time to look at that really

I can not find in CSS Button.


Are you referring to the “No file chosen” which is in english instead of indonesian?


yes bartho, he seems to, i checked the css buttons, not there too :frowning: any idea Mr bartho?

Good day,

The problem and the solution does not depend on the Scriptcase, as the title of this button is not generated by Scriptcase, but by the browser, ie regardless of the language of your project, the button will change the language if the browser / operating system are in another language.

In other words, the user who has the whole system in another language, you will see the title translated for that particular language.

Hope this helps.

Thank You.

[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;34461]Good day,

The problem and the solution does not depend on the Scriptcase, as the title of this button is not generated by Scriptcase, but by the browser, ie regardless of the language of your project, the button will change the language if the browser / operating system are in another language.

In other words, the user who has the whole system in another language, you will see the title translated for that particular language.

Hope this helps.

Thank You.[/QUOTE]

great answer, then we at least know that some stuff take the end user regional language, without being able to localize them.

now, localizing them is the ideal, to make them the same as application language, but if that is true its ok 50 50 solution, remains to know what are exactly those things what we can’t localize them, do we have a list here?