[SOLVED] A Grid Application Text Fields' "Dont truncate" should ignore HTML tag.

I have a Grid Application and a long text, should use the Dont truncate to NO, and set the “Number of characters” to a number bigger than 0, like 20. But perhaps I want to add some HTML tag to the text, for example, the text perhaps will be:

“<font color=red><B>Notice</B></font>This is a long notice of the large text”

Something like above.

And the result is, the Number of characters counts also the HTML tag such as &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;B&gt;, and then the title will be not correct. 

Could you just don't count the HTML TAG as the Number of characters when truncate?

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for your thread. That’s an improvement of field’s option “Show HTML content”. Your request make sense totally, so it has reported to our team for a review to the possibility for increment.

Any update of the case, I’ll leave you updated.

Good morning.

This problems was solved.
the fix is included in last release (8.00.0035) already available to updating and downloading.
update your scriptcase.

Have a nice day.
best regard,
Netmake team

That’s great to hear that.