[SOLVED] Ajax Event Problem

Since upgrading to [SIZE=12px]8.1.040 I have the following problem…

I have a form with a capture field on it which also has an OnChange Ajax event. The field is a product code field and updates other fields on the form when the product code is changed.

If I call the form in stand alone mode the Ajax OnChange even fires correctly only when the product code is changed. If I call the form from a grid via an application link the OnChange event always fires first time (in edit mode) even when the value of the field has not changed.


On further investigation it seems that calling the sc_set_focus() macro in the forms onLoad event is causing the Ajax onChange event to fire even though the field value has not changed. Only seems to happen when the form is called in application link mode.

Looks like a bug…


I tried to simulate this case, but could not. I made links between forms and grids, catch links in forms fields using Ajax onChange event and macro sc_set_focus.
Could you post some pictures of the settings and the problem in the generated application?

Dear, Mikew:

I have exactly the same problem from the last update.


It is very probable that the fix for this ‘false’ problem also resolve any issues related to Ajax events.


Please, update your ScriptCase to release 8.1.041 and let us know if the problem persists.