[SOLVED] ajax filter works on all but not IE

that state/city example if you select state then gives you the city based on the ajax filter

works on chrome, works on firefox but hangs the internet explorer up! i am not fan of IE anyway but many users still work on that sh***

so please either fix or inform what is the solution/workaround

I bet this is due to jquery which in some versions is not fully compatible with ie. Did you check with F12? and which ie version?? If you can make a simplified app that does the same you can send it to scriptcase and have them fix it.

Ok yes I’m sure it is the incompatibility issue here cz it works with Chrome and firefox, well i’ve removed the function at all not to have angry customers

But? guess what i discovered also on IE! even the navigation buttons next and previous are not working on IE with grid when more than certain amount of records are displayed for example, this is hell then IE is not supported!?!? grrrrrrrr

it is version 8 or 9 that is not the problem, i can’t force people to upgrade the IE or use chrome or firefox!? these ajax stuff works on the same browser if using other than SC!? so don’t know what to do now, really! :frowning:

Which IE version?? (just for my curiosity). It may work if you change document mode or compatibility mode.
And you can force certain modes in IE. Anyway I think it is an issue for netmake to look in to.

it is version 8 or 9 [/QUOTE]

i answered this above, and you are right, it might work with compatibility mode but the menus then will not display sub menu

finally nothing we can do, just hope that netmake see this topic, obviously we have 2 options now, one to send them via ticket or email or inform marcia, thomas…etc this will take months to acknowledge and may fix… or, of course, wait a little for bartho to come and add “issue reported to our bugs team” then pfffff nothing more

one extra option is to add it to mantis that Mr Albert provided lately thankfully but i really can’t find time and didn’t learn how to use that bug tracker is not easy to underestand


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

See what I mean? rr

Yeah I see what you mean. The point is that IE8 and IE9 are so called outdated (nonsense in my eyes since many ppl still use IE9). They do react rather different in some places compared to the webkit, opera and firefox browsers. The main issue is that it most of the time is in the javascript. I noticed several javascript errors in my scriptcase applications specifically in the jquery libraries. They do not appear on webkit browsers (maxthon, safari, chrome, …).
I think that scriptcase should test their stuff to at least support IE8. But I guess they only test their stuff against one or two browsers where they SHOULD TEST at least against IE8,IE9,IE10 (in the normal modus), firefox (latest), opera, safari (on the mac), safari on the ipad/iphone, maxthon, konquerer and opera. I did a lot of testing and found various errors in some cases in the javascript…
Lets hope that it isnt only reported (meaning mostly nothing happens) but that they hire a guy that tests everything in detail on a whole set machines and browsers…
I mean they can test in 300+ different browsers for example here: http://www.browserstack.com/screenshots or via one of these http://mashable.com/2014/02/26/browser-testing-tools/ etc…
If I can find those sites within 30 seconds then why doesnt netmake take the extra effort?? I hope they now will start considering it…

wish our dreams to come truth too, i don’t think they will do anything from my view i see them don’t care… also lately they started to listen to us but not this much to test in all browsers though! i agree with you regarding the IE still many people use 8 and 9 and really confusing how this ajax thing doesn’t work at all in these browsers while work ok on firefox and chrome, i traced the code and tried different document mode in ie to determine what is wrong but i coudn’t fix anything it is jquery libraries which need to be analysed by sc guys to know exactly what is doing with other comoponents

now, since bartho replied here i guess nothing more we can do, we should forget this and try to find workaround

wish i can find similar product to SC even if it is more expensive i will go for it if bugs free or less but till now didn’t find any tool that can provide what sc does with power, i really feel ashame that these small bugs turns one of the biggest powerful builders into irritating useless tools causing confusion, stress and makes someone look ridicules affront of customers

thanks dude

Has this problem been fix on V8?

no, but i don’ think they have to go back to old IE and make it compatible, people should update the IE to latest available version, that will do.

scriptcase should update the jQuery to latest available version, that will do

Better one scriptcase developer working a few hours or 300 customers all spending a few hours making a workaround?

I 2nd that totally!! update jquery…


I tested with my IE 11 and worked fine no problem at all, we will test on the older versions of IE to check it out.


I tested with my IE 11 and worked fine no problem at all, we will test on the older versions of IE to check it out.[/QUOTE]

yes carlos, please read all the thread here, we are talking about old versions 8 and 9, we all know that 11 is ok.

Hello everyone,

The Scriptcase uses a plugin of third to manipulate the ajax. Unfortunatelly, that plugin hasn’t support to IE 8, therefore, we can’t help you about that. About IE 9, is working normally.

No, Caio Guerra. doesn’t work on 9 too.

try this: make search and add some predefined search criterias like last 7 days, last month, this month

now use IE9 to select it, it will not work

same for columns selecting, all seems ajax issue

works ok with FF, chrome and IE10+ but not on 9

however, it is not really a big deal now, all people are upgrading, what we need is to update the libraries including the jQuery one, there are many threads guys are talking about the importance of the update of those libraries