[SOLVED]Amazing !!Waiting for months for fixing bug in onbur event !!!! Please do it

I 'm angry because my customers are angry to clic 2 times on buttons !!!
Please fix this stupid bug that we are waiting for months , I’ll write again and again every day till this bug will be fixed …

After update from v7 to V8, on some screens (control, grid and form) user needs to click twice to functions buttons !!!
example: validation button on control app, does not validate on first time click bu well on second time
when using calculator, I need to click twice on all buttons ???

The problem is when there is onbur event on a field and you push to buttons directly without leave this field
It’s the same problem with numeric fields with calculator, you have to click Twice in calculator !!!


And before somebody asks for more information to reproduce, they should read these threads:



Good morning,

These problem already was reported to our team.
We doing last tests to include the correction in release.
We’ll include the fix in future releases, I ask that you wait.
Thanks for understanding.

have a nice day.

kind regards
NetMake Team

Hello Artur Oliviera

Happy to read your thread, I will wait


This problems was solved.
the fix is included in last release (8.00.0035) already available to updating and downloading.
update your scriptcase.

Have a nice day.
best regard,
Netmake team