[SOLVED]Application with undefined name

While creating a new application I got an ScriptCase crash. After that I have an application with an empty (undefined) title. I cannot delete it because of the errormessage that SC cannot delete a file which is open. But it is not open. There’s no way to get rid of it, I tried to edit, but it gives an error, rename does not work, delete does not work. How do I get rid of this application?

Re: Application with undefined name


You created an app without a name, leaving it empty and now you are unable to delete it?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Application with undefined name

Well, in fact that is the case and main problem. How it is possible to do that is uncertain as it was a result of a SC crash. (The long number with link). But I mostly ignore the latter as it occurs on a regular base. I logout and re-logon and things work again. But yes, I created an app w.o. a name an now I cannot delete it.

Re: Application with undefined name


Please contact our support regarding installation problem and they will delete the application for you. I will also forward this issue to our bugs team for further testing.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Application with undefined name

I assume it’s a problem in the nm_scriptcase sqlite 3 database. I’m author of open-source sqlite components for Delphi and I think I can manage if I know which tables to clean. I don’t know how support is going to clean my tables, but my development environment is not open to the internet, and I will not let anyone enter. I can send you the db however.

Re: Application with undefined name

Never mind, I fixed it. It’s not that hard :wink:


I have the exact same problem! Wanted to create an application, then it crashed, and now I am stuck with this empty grid application.

What should I do to delete it?

THX in advance for your help!