[SOLVED] - BIG BUUGGGGG AGAIN !!!! I have lost 2 days to found what's happend !!!!!!!

I’m certain that modifications are not tested as they could !!!

since last update v.0.34, New and Update buttons does not react if you are leaving a field with onbur events by clic to update buttons !!!

suppose a form app and set the first focus to a field with onbur event, clic to update button (1st time to leave onbur event because there is a bug with onbur event),
you must clic a 2nd times to update button but update and new buttons does not react anymore !!!

close your form app open it again, clic to a field without onbur event then clic to update or new buttons n times and it’s work
clic again on this field with onbur event and then to update buttons and after 1st clic update buttons dose not work anymore


I have lost 2 days works… and I cannot go futher!!!

I have a similar problem. my fields have onchange event after performing one of these events on the button insert or update does not work anymore.

fix it.


Does this issue happens to new apps as well, or just old ones?


Hello Bernhard

Also new apps because I thought that was a problem in in my form I create a new one and when I included ajaxevents , I was blocked with the same bug

This kind of bug cannot be appear in upgrades, because we are upgrading our program and installing by our customers
We cannot explain to our customers there is a sc bug and they have to wait !!!
I developed a hotel managment program and complete erp with sc because I was sure that sc is a very good tools but with this kinds of stupid bugs we are losing time and money.
I write for a few months concerning this onbur events bug but fameous bug teams don’t care and now i am blocked because of that

Bernhard, I think new or old apps doesn’t matter !!! it takes 2 minutes to reproduce this bug in old or new app

Hello guys.

Do This problem still occur.

On last updated was resolved a similar problem.

Scriptcase Team


Any news about this problem?

Good morning!

To solve this problem you need to update Scriptase.
You can do an automatic update in the very tool or a manual update, follow the tutorial:


If the problem still occurs please let us know.


Scriptcase team.