[SOLVED] Bug after update today

Regeneraition of all my project after update and now I have this message everywhere

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘exit’ (T_EXIT) in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v71\wwwroot\scriptcase8\app\Soudex\form_axyalDossierEnCours\form_axyalDossierEnCours_apl.php on line 13539

I have to publish for my clients, what can I do now ???


of course the message change depending on the app…

At a first glance it looks like the generator adds an ‘exit’ to the code in Ajax events.

Usually the magic word is ‘Backup’ before you update (the entire SC folder). :slight_smile:
If you don’t have a backup.
Export your project(s), delete the SC folder, install an earlier version of SC and import your project(s).


i have the same problem. Looks like it happen on Ajax Events, especially when you have query syntax in there

ah, more specific, in Ajax Events, it cannot accept any global variable…

Before the last update all ok, now this is the message when “on field change” event ajaix, i assign to a global var the field changed.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘exit’ (T_EXIT) in C:\Programmi\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\Xtest_select\form_noleggio\form_noleggio_apl.php on line 5467


We are analyzing the problem.

Same problem. I hope this gets fixed soon.

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;36861]Hello,

We are analyzing the problem.[/QUOTE]

My error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$this’ (T_VARIABLE), expecting ‘(’ in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\avnmdb\form_transactions\index.php on line 1001.

I’m getting this error in muiltiple apps.


Please update ScriptCase and check if the problem still persists.

Mr. Santos Thanks

For me it’s OK
have a good day

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;36864]Hello,

Please update ScriptCase and check if the problem still persists.[/QUOTE]

Hi, this problem disappear but:

  • Problem with PDF, image background is totaly messed now.

  • Problem saying “you have an error in your SQL syntax near…” from procedure that was perfectly working before,


SQL error :
ADOConnection._Execute(SELECT count(*) from axyaldossierelements where idDossier= , false)
I can see that idDossier= is the problem, but in my script, I have idDossier=[GLOIdDossier] and the global variable is setup by the parent procedure.
All was working before that update, it become very frustrating and I have client very, very angry now,.
Where can I found the version BEFORE that update. I need it right now !!

Still persist, I have problems with forms that has Global Variables, without it works normally.

Still getting error after latest update. All forms are broke.

[QUOTE=John L. Santos;36864]Hello,

Please update ScriptCase and check if the problem still persists.[/QUOTE]

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$this’ (T_VARIABLE), expecting ‘(’ in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\avnmdb\form_transactions\index.php on line 1001

I get this error when trying to access any form on my application from a grid.


The error appear because the function no-name has been created. After remote access, verification and delete the functions without name, the applications works correctly.


Please follow the steps below to update your Scriptcase manually:

  1. Download Scriptcase’s .zip or .tgz format available online.

  2. Create a temporary folder and unzip the downloaded file you got from the website.

  3. Open the unzipped folder and copy or cut all the folders and files.

  4. Once you have copied the downloaded folders, open Scriptcase’s directory folder, where you have your Scriptcase installed, and paste the copied folders.

For Windows default path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase
And for Linux is opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase.

Once you have finished to copy, all folders will be replaced and the files will be updates with the new patches released, your projectswill not be affected during the update.

  1. After the manual update process is completed open your Scriptcase and check if your version is updated (menu > Help > About).

At the end of this ticket rate my performance, thanks!

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