[SOLVED]BUG in in GRID Quick-Search

In Update to V8.0.031 the bug below was solved.

ScriptCase v8.0.031 - 02-18-2015 22:31

Fixed problem when using apostrophe in the Quick Search.

Now my customer has a table where he put a field description called “Bereichsrundg?nge”

Quick-Search result is shown in the attachment.

Also filter the grid with the description “Bereichsrundg?nge” says: No record found !
I’m using PosgreSQL as DB.



Good morning!!!

Which version of your Scriptcase today? The problem occur in your current version?
We performed some tests in the latest version of the tool and we were unable to simulate the problem.


?lvaro Moura.
Scriptcase Team.

@Gerd Dietrich: in your grid, at Search / Quick Search / Select fields the Option Search Criteria ist “Contains” or “Beginning with”?

@alvaro: V8…040 - if you want to see it live, you could get the credentials to login
@Reinhard: Contains !

One example:


Reinhard, i guess your are using MySql ! I use postgrSQL and it seems a bug for me as there are some bugs with the DB in the past !

Next failure comes up, if i add a sc_select_where(add), i could not search for anything, the error shows me two WHERE in the SQL select !

Yes, i’am using MySQL (and MSSQL). Ok, I have no experience with PostgreSQL …

i’m using the PostgreSQL and the error not occurred here.

Please, send me the credentials to login.
You can send for a.moura@netmake.com.br.

?lvaro Moura.
Scriptcase Team.




i figured it out !

to find a word written in the QuickSearch with lower-case letters which is stored in the DB with an upper-case letter at the beginning ( Christmas ) i had changed my SQL - Case Sensitive settings to NO. Doing this means no ?/? could be found.
Setting the Case Sensitive to YES will do it visa versa ?/? is working lower-case / upper-case not.

Could you check this ?

As i have problems to do a QuickSearch for & i changed my SQL-case Sensitive settings to NO which was working for me. Now after your updates i could not search for an & but ?/?.. is working when i set Case Sensitive to YES.

Good morning!

This case was passed to developers team.
Once we have some return will contact you again.

Scriptcase team.


This problem has been solved in release 8.0.043