[SOLVED] BUG in nested grid


Can you please, please fix the bug in nested grid?
I have set the fixed grid column width. And set the Line Break to Yes.
If we make a standard grid, the text got automatically wrapped. But when we put a nested grid, the nested one didn’t get wrapped. The value still extends the grid width beyond control. :frowning:

It really messed up the layout…

(PS. I already made a thread about this in http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/forum/applications/grid-reports/10449-wrap-text-value-in-grid. Sorry if this is considered double post.)

Thanks and regards,

I have the same problem - took my at least an hour yesterday - thought i would do something wrong …

it seems that different style sheet settings have also no effect anymore

Forget this Post - ​"grid column width" ist not working either

“grid column width” seams to work with the newest update, BUT now …

  • an Application Link is not shown anymore (pencile) - worked under the previous version
  • the nested grid (in a nested grid) (plus sign) is not shown anymore - worked under the previous version
  • the Stylesheet settings have still NO effect

Please fix all of it

thanks rob

Have you found a solution? I also have / had the same problem. After working on the problem for a few days, just today, I fixed the “Wrapping”: issue and also the issue of all text all being “centered” and not “left” aligned. If SC support does not fix quickly, I will be happy to share what I did. It is ugly but when a client needs it working… . … . . .


This problem has been reported to our development team. We are already working to fix it and make it available in the next update.


This problem has been fixed in release 8.1.019.
Please, update your ScriptCase.

Thank you!

I am on 8.1.025 and still have this problem - anyone any idea on how to get round/fix it?


Could you see if the problem persist?
In 8.1.026 update we release fixing a problem similar to this.


It all seems ok now
