[SOLVED]Bug with text auto-complete

Create a simple form with an editable grid view
Make a field of type text autocomplete
Run the application and fill a part of the key
A list appears
Select tab to select the first

Now the field is copied into the tekst field but with </br> at the end. This latest part should not be there!


This is not a bug. Scriptcase inserts the tag <br /> when there is a line break in the record. Check your database if the record has line break.

View a sample application where it also occurs. Access:


In the Customer field, type the letter F and select the record

FISSA Fabrica Inter.
Salchichas S.A.

Confirmed, it’s not a bug. I re-entered the data and the effect is gone now. Still wonder why it happened though. THe field was entered using SC but we’ll never know I’m affraid…

Closed! Please open a new topic if the issue happens again.

Bernhard Bernsmann