Hi again,
so where are we now ? Are these buges fixed ?


Please follow the steps below to update your Scriptcase manually:

  1. Download Scriptcase’s .zip or .tgz format available online.

  2. Create a temporary folder and unzip the downloaded file you got from the website.

  3. Open the unzipped folder and copy or cut all the folders and files.

  4. Once you have copied the downloaded folders, open Scriptcase’s directory folder, where you have your Scriptcase installed, and paste the copied folders.

For Windows default path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase
And for Linux is opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase.

Once you have finished to copy, all folders will be replaced and the files will be updates with the new patches released, your projectswill not be affected during the update.

  1. After the manual update process is completed open your Scriptcase and check if your version is updated (menu > Help > About).

At the end of this ticket rate my performance, thanks!