I know the multi upload allows files to be uploaded, but apparently it does not seem to work when Document (Filename) or Image (Filename) is chosen. It does work when the Document (Database) or Image (Database) is chosen.
That is not what I want…
The scriptcase example only shows the database version instead of the non working filename version.
The while reason why I had to make a multiple record upload years ago is that it never really worked as it should.
Main table TST:
PERSON is unique and never empty.
Document Table DOCS:
NR INTEGER, (this one is filled using a sequence)
Now how do I get this using ‘Document Filename’ ever to work?
There should be a reference table then?
So basically the whole multi upload is not very usefull if I want to store the data on disk…
Hence maybe the plupload solution mentioned here somewhere may be the only viable solution…
Sadly enough there are no examples on how to do it properly using document filename solution…
Now that should be added in my humble opinion.