Saturday, the 23 of may 2015.
Since 3 days now, latest release of SC introduce bugs in my apps, bugs that prevent me to update my clients.
I lose credibility, I loose money…
Mister John L Santos, from scriptcase asked me to perform a netmeeting session so he can see by himself the problems.
That was done on Friday, he saw the problems (mostly global variable problems)…
Since that ??? Nothing…
I don’t care if it’s week-end, my clients don’t care if it’s week-end.
Your release was not test enough before you made it available for us. When I use Scriptcase, I see a popup asking me to download and install the latest release when there’s one. So do I.
I don’t want to, prior of that, backup my whole developpement installation because of potentials SC bug.
You HAVE to test and to be sure not to introduce that kind of bugs BEFORE releasing.
So now SC, what are you going to do and when ?
A very quick response (and solution) would be greatly appreciated…