[SOLVED]Bugs with new cp1250 code page in "form" application type

There are two bugs with new cp1250 code page in “form” application type.

First bug is very serious - when I edit an existing record, data is saved in unicode instead cp1250 (insertion of a new record is OK).

Second bug is linked with Case Settings of some form field, when the option “Upper case”, “Lower case” or “Capitalize all words” is used. When I use any of that option, I get the error message - This field is required, even though that field is not empty.

And one last thing, it’s not a bug, but it should be fixed. Code page cp1250 is not Western Europe, it is Eastern Europe code page. Just like ISO-8859-2.

I have tested application with both versions of Scriptcase, 8.1.007 and 8.1.008. I used Firebird SQL database.

Best regards,

Dusan Barbul




:confused:Is there anybody out there? … Pink Floyd from “The Wall”

You database and your webpage work best when they work in the same code page. Did you set your website to work on the same codepage?
If you use different codepages for both then the change that some characters are interpreted wrongly is greater.

Yes, my database and my webisite work on same codepage!

I was requested from Scriptcase a support for cp1250 about five moths ago. Finaly, they did something in 8.1.007 version, but there is some serious bugs which I reported here in forum and also in support section. Until now there is not any answer except that they are informed about this, I quote M?rcia answer"… they are already checking it out. I will keep you posted".


This problem has been solved in release 8.1.009

Thank you!