I have a grid application “grid_fdesc_agresseurs” with a link key field “IDAgresseur” to the “form_desc_agresseur” application that is displayed in an iframe at the bottom of the grid, the “Back button” on form_desc_agresseurs does not return to the grid_fdesc_agresseurs but displays the grid in the same iframe. Please tell me if possible how to solve the problem.
Sorry for my bad english.
PS. I’ve deleted the temp directory and rebuilt the projet and the problem persist. tx.
BUMP to look for some answer
I was able to reproduce the issue. I will pass it on to our bugs/development team for further testing.
Bernhard Bernsmann
Could you please demonstrate your problem with some images?
It is best to understand.
Good Morning,
This problems was solved.
the fix is included in last release (8.00.0035) already available to updating and downloading.
update your scriptcase.
best regard,
Netmake team