[SOLVED] Buttons in Form "Editable Grid"


The bug to add new lines in a Form “Editable Grid” was solved in other threads, but I installed the last release (8.00.0035) and in this same Form the buttons that I have created (links or PHP) doesn’t run, only the buttons that are by default in the forms.

Help please

effectively, it is a bug of this update. I hope it gets fixed soon, because that is impossible to work. I’m tired of things stop working with new updates.

:frowning: So meanwhile what can we do? only wait to the next update?

Just fix it. Download the new version. Clearly ScriptCase is better to have it installed on a virtual machine and make a copy of it before upgrading.


This problem has been solved in the update 8.0.036.

Hello John, thank you so much is fixed.