[SOLVED] Calendar Events Displaying AM in a PM time

Just pointed out by one of my clients who uses the Calendar application (I tried to talk them out of it) are times which should show 12 hour time as PM but are displaying as AM. Anybody else have this issue? If so, how did you handle it? (Switch to 24 hour time, like me? - That’s fine but the client is US and wants 12 hour time.)

Dear @rjjacob,

By carrying out some tests, we were able to reproduce the problem.

I inform you that it has already been reported to the development team, and as soon as the fix is ​​released, I will be giving feedback through this topic.

Best regards!

Other problem is when you resize the calendar, the month name disappears.
Your demo has same problem:

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Thank you. Please note that it only happens when the time is between 12 and 1 PM. Times after 1 PM show PM and not AM.

Dear @rjjacob,

The fix was released in version 9.10.012 which is available for download/update.

Best regards!