[SOLVED] Cannot Generate


I have a bug and cannot solve it.
I have sent files to bug@scriptcase.net

I have troubles to generate it.
It shows error instantly.

Pop-up notice:
[TABLE=“class: nmTable, align: center”]
[TD=“class: nmErrorTitle, bgcolor: #FF4040”] ERROR[/TD]
[TD=“class: nmErrorMsg, bgcolor: #FFE0E0”]System Error. We recommend you to send the file with the error to NetMake.[/TD]

Log File successfully created: error_3d2a603d361b212ed5723e5d39494d96.html

Click on this link to send this error to NetMake.

Page with 1 queries,

Web browser notice:
Undefined offset: 0 | Script: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\generator
mFontePHP.class.php linha: 20104

Please help me ASAP with info what is wrong. I need to generate it.


nothing is wrong, continue working, ignore that
unless you have serious error preventing your applications from working! then tell us what is going on with you

Yes, doesn’t work - this form doesn’t show.
In production environment - doesn’t show at all.
In development environment - shows error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\VEEM_SI\form_StrankeObjekti_vprasalnik\form_StrankeObjekti_vprasalnik_apl.php on line 35909

But I cannot find this error.

Any idea how to find errors very quick?

Comment every php event code and button code and so you can find and then generate.
If that works then event by event uncomment and generate. Then you’ll find the code where it fails upon. The parser can seriously fail on some occasions if your php source is not according to what is expected…
Since this is in the generator I think it is in some of your own php code that is misinterpreted os simply wrong… By commenting all custom code it’d be easy to find it.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\VEEM_SI\fo rm_StrankeObjekti_vprasalnik\form_StrankeObjekti_v prasalnik_apl.php on line 35909

Go to your dev environment and open your form_StrankeObjekti_v prasalnik. Then go to project and ‘view sourcecode’. Then select form_StrankeObjekti_v prasalnik_apl.php. You will see the sourcecode in a php viewer and look at the line giving your the error. Most likely that you will see what you’ve done wrong somewhere in your event code.

I have a similar error, “Fatal error: Call to a member function Gettag() on a non-object in c:…
mFontePHPForm.calss.php on line 12867”.
It comes up always if I simple click on any “Events” of a form - I mean I do not add anything on the editor panel, I leave empty, only a simple click to any event (repeat: without addig code) FAILS the entire application. Other interest issue: the “About” tells I have “Version 8.00.0034”, the “Diagnosis” says I have Scriptcase 8.0.29 for both Devel and Prod.
What the hell is going on at Scriptcase ??? I spent money for this “product”…


I have a bug and cannot solve it.
I have sent files to bug@scriptcase.net

I have troubles to generate it.
It shows error instantly.

Pop-up notice:
[TABLE=“class: nmTable, align: center”]
[TD=“class: nmErrorTitle, bgcolor: #FF4040”] ERROR[/TD]
[TD=“class: nmErrorMsg, bgcolor: #FFE0E0”]System Error. We recommend you to send the file with the error to NetMake.[/TD]

Log File successfully created: error_3d2a603d361b212ed5723e5d39494d96.html

Click on this link to send this error to NetMake.

Page with 1 queries,

Web browser notice:
Undefined offset: 0 | Script: C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\generator
mFontePHP.class.php linha: 20104

Please help me ASAP with info what is wrong. I need to generate it.


How can I see Scriptcase mistake, I want you to do a manual update and run all aplications again, and see if the problem still.

Thanks to everybody! I received answer from bug@scriptcase.net. I was blind and I didn’t see the mistake which was mine. I forgot to define checkbox field. But anyway, these answers are welcome also! Thanks!

Hi mitja,

what do you mean on “defining checkbox field” ? I have the similar error, but I defined the field type in “Fields” as described in docs.

What I did…
I have checkbox and I did not set Lookup Settings completely to this checkbox. I did not set “Value” and “Label”.

[QUOTE=zsimre;34720]Hi mitja,

what do you mean on “defining checkbox field” ? I have the similar error, but I defined the field type in “Fields” as described in docs.

hi zsimre
you obviously have different issue than mitja
again, if that message only appears once and gone, form is working, then ignore it, sometimes scriptcase internal validations stops somehow until you generate again… i get this error what i change some esssential stuff in the form such as adding new fields or remove them then sychnorize… but disapers after first run.

alternatively, if that doesn’t go away, means you have something wrong in the the application, do what rr said, comment events and codes to know what is wrong

also Albert has a point, if you have the error line number, follow it as Albert aducom explained, it will give you a hint where is the error coming from, work around it

also now is v 8.0.36 why don’t you upgrade your version anyway, mabye is related to some bug that was fixed earlier (i doubt it though)

good luck

Good morning,

Yes, as I told you from email, the problem was a checkbox with manual lookup without any values to insert.
I reported it as interface problem to our development team, for they include a critical message when try create a field without values.

Have a nice day.

Best regard,
Netmake Team