[SOLVED]Can't build and run any application: failed to open stream: No such file or..

My Conf is: Debian 7, PHP 5.4.34, Zend Guard Loader 3.3, nginX with fastcgi, apc

I just install without any problems, I setup db connection add an app, and got this error:

2 = main(/devel/generator/nm_gp_comentario.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
/home/scriptcase8/devel/compat/compat.inc.php 387

What ever I do always get failed to open stream. Sounds simple problem but couldn’t solve.

Could confirm some information please?

Recursive permissions of folders and subfolders of Scriptcase as 777 (local environment) or 755 (dedicated environment).

I await your response.

Thank you!

Tried both 755 and 777, chown www-data:www-data. My php info is: sc.cctvdepo.com/info.php

Hello sbscan,

I will verify this issue with our team.



This file exists, we check in our system and your server.
Please contact our support team so we can help you solve your problem.
What can still be permission problems on your server.


Thank you!

I have no support option. I’m sure it’s not file permission.

Maybe settings of something.

Solved: cgi.fix.pathinfo problem :)))

Thanks for your feedback.
