[Solved] Cant open Project

Dear All,

Since yesterday i cant open my project. When click to open a project, screen will be back to scriptcase login. Thats project start from 2015, 325 application and still update until now.
I am already do something as :

  1. Use sqllite to delete from table sc_tbati from nm_scriptcase.db
  2. Uninstall scriptcase, clean registry and anything about scritpcase, fresh install again, import project and still cant open project
  3. Clear cache my browser ( mozilla firefox ) and still cant open project
  4. Uninstall mozilla firefox and fresh install again still cant open project.

I need help. Please.

I’ve had that happen a couple times. In addition to clearing tbati, I run update sc_tbusu set Ip_Uacc=’’

THEN I go to the firefox PRIVATE BROWSER and open it. That has worked for me. Then I make sure I always have a good copy of the sqllite table stored in another directory to copy over.


I got help from Windson Oliveira, Scriptcase, he inform like this,

go to Option->Settings and check these option:

  • Use cache for connection meta data set to No
  • Save meta data cache to disk set to No

and i can open my project again. Thanks Windson.

And for mollyshark, i will do to backup sqllite table regularly. Thank you.

Just copy that table to someplace safe!! Scary to have so much dependent on one easily-corrupted table. I will keep your solution in mind!!

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