[SOLVED] Conect field type select other conection database two.

Mi proyect is create quation, i have mi database tables onlye security and quotation and quoattion lines.
i like use field customer type text complet select, the values are other database,
i create sql, attach conection two, save and generate application. ok.

the running application, error table quoation.
i erase field the aplication run perfect.


I could not understand the issue very well. Could you elaborate? Perhaps illustrate with a few pics?


Anexo imagenes

Gracias barto.
yo necesito usar un campo tipo texto autocomplete, pero los datos que voy a mostrar alli estan en otra base de datos y por eso uso otra conexion de base de datos.

pero al usar la otra conexion la aplicacion al ejecutarla el sql del formulario que esta asociado a otra conexion deja de fuincionar, porque cambia internamente de conexion.

ayer pude validar la causa. y no se si sera bug con lo que encontre.

tengo una conexion llamada msqql-data y la configuracion del acceso al motor SQLserver lo hice con nombre.
esta conexion la uso en otro formulario (clientes) y funciona.
pero al usar esta conexion en el formulario que tengo para crear las cotizaciones, no la puedo usar. ni en el campo ni por codigo.




Do you use a single database (mssql) or more than one? It was not clear to me.

Thank you!

Asnser for thomas

Thanks You thomas.
i have 2 database mssqlserver 2008 r2.
mssql_1 database save data for quotation.
mssql_2 database readonly i use only select data (custtable,products).




Can you send to my e-mail your table SQL DUMP and your application to perform a test? (Two SQL DUMP’s)

Waiting your response.

Thank you!

good day all friends,
i found solutions.
the problem is becase driver o type conection is pdo. for compatible new fields in sqlservers.
the change mi conection database in computer develoment and work perfect.
now this problem i not running create conection type pdo server sql,

[QUOTE=ayepes2003;30238]good day all friends,
i found solutions.
the problem is becase driver o type conection is pdo. for compatible new fields in sqlservers.
the change mi conection database in computer develoment and work perfect.
now this problem i not running create conection type pdo server sql,

Very thank you for your feedback.

I would never get to guess that your problem would be the type of connection.

Again, thank you.