[SOLVED] Dynamic Group By and SC macros - BUG

Ok - a few things here (which could simply be because the SC macros relating to “group by” only work with static group by?). Couldn’t see any documentation that indicated that, so I tried anyway (note: no static group by rules have been defined):

if ([ugroup] == 'Administrator') {	
	sc_set_groupby_rule = 'User';     // Spits out an error message    
} else {
	sc_hide_groupby_rule('User');     // Does nothing at all
  1. The sc_set_groupby_rule = ‘User’; line above causes the following error to appear: Fatal error: Class ‘grid_tbltimesheets_resumo’ not found in /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/app/Timesheets/g_timesheets/grid_tbltimesheets_grid.class.php on line 140

  2. The sc_hide_groupby_rule(‘User’); line above has no effect (no error message or any effect)

  3. I tried using the sc_get_groupby_rule() to see if that showed anything. It always returns “Output” regardless of the dynamic group by rule in effect.

Maybe related.


Thanks Giu

Maybe - but would be good to get a definitive answer from SC - NetMake?


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


This macro works only for group of “rules”. So it “group by rules”.