[SOLVED] - Dynamic Group By - Cannot remove


I was experimenting with the dynamic group by feature on a grid.

However, I have decided it’s not for me at this time so I looked to deselect all the fields from it I was “playing” with. SC tells me I MUST have at least one field selected when I try and deselect all of them. I would agree with that if I still had “use dynamic group by” enabled - but I don’t, and yet it still insists at least 1 field be selected.

If I leave things as they are (with dynamic group by disabled, but 1 field still selected), sure enough the app does not give a dynamic group by option, but now, every time I use grouping (static in this case, which is set up), or even sorting - it works but I get a weird empty dialog box pop-up.

Looking at an untouched grid app it is fully empty and non-enabled - which is what I am trying to set my grid back too. I’m sure it’s related to the fact that disabling the dynamic group by hasn’t really been fully enforced.

Thoughts anyone?


Have you contacted support? They might be able to help, if not they should at least be able to note it down as a bug.

I don’t have the support option, that is why I put it in the bugs section here :slight_smile:


Just reproduced this issue in my Scriptcase, we will have a meeting about this issue later today to discuss what we can do about it.

Thanks for posting Have a nice day

Thanks Carlos. My only option at the moment to stop that dialog box is to duplicate the app and not touch the dynamic group by bits, and that’s quite a timely undertaking I’d like to avoid.


It will be fixed on this week version on the next one!

Thanks one more time for posting.

Thanks Carlos

Ok - I have an update on this…

After going to 8.0.037 (and 38 now too) - this fixed the issue to allow me to completely reset / clean my Dynamic Group By (DGB) settings. Good stuff.

However, I still get the weird empty “output” dialog box when I click on a Group By option (static) when running the app. The grouping takes place correctly, but this dialog pops up everytime I change the grouping (including when I choose None for no grouping).

I started looking through all my settings for the app and noticed these 2 things (see pic):

  1. When clicking on “Group Label” I get the warning banner at the top - so if I follow those instructions and enable “summary” and save (and regen for good measure) - when I click back on Group Label - that banner message still appears! It does not seem to recognise that summary in grid modules has now been enabled?

  2. Under Sorting - there is an entry for Dynamic Group By? Given D.G.B has been disabled I wouldn’t expect to see this here.

It looks like things are still a little out of synch somewhere - and I wonder if this is why I get an output dialog?
