[SOLVED] Editable grid view, "Use modal form to edit" not showing toolbar buttons

I have a number of form apps set to Editable Grid View and have the “Use modal form” setting set to Use in Edit and Updating. The modal window opens fine but does not show the tool bar.

This feature was working well. It still works in development but not in production. I am using version 9.12.001 and the production version is 1.0.003 build 2.

I’m not sure when this stopped working but would have been in the past 6 months.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can fault find this problem?

Verify the security settings, if you have any. In development, it might be set to be always open and ignore the settings. In deployed state security always applies.

Have checked the security settings in production and also tried disabled security in production.
I should have added that my problem is in a master detail form where I have the editable grid view as the detail. When I deselect modal for insert for edit I can insert and edit ok directly in the row. This further suggests it’s not a straight forward security issue.

Problem solved. I did not realise that there is now an app with suffix inline that also needs to have security setting set. Thanks for steering me in the right direction.