[SOLVED] Editor Space possible Bug

When I open HTML TEMPLATE editor I have an issue with the editing space. My space for text ends up where you see the arrow. Another words 50% of vertical space is cut off.
It makes very hard to work wit the code as I have to scroll a lot ! It only happens in template editor but works fine in code editor. I’m using 4K monitor but it doesn’t matter because when I’m in PHP/SC code all looks OK. When I used 1920x1200 monitor this same problem still existed. If somebody is using 4K monitor can you please confirm if you have the same issue ?



BTW - I tested this in CHROME and exactly the same problem exists so basically I only have 50% of the screen available :frowning:

I gave a look into this and the layout in this area is clunky.
Whomever configured this layout did not thought about bigger displays or responsivity at all, since some values are statics.
Any resolution will experience this.

I’ll ask for the guys to record this in our bugs system.
Thank you for the feedback.

I reported this case for you, @Cavadinha.

thank you - Arthur


This problem is already fixed internally and will be released in the next update.


This problem has been solved in update 8.1.041.

Thank you!

Indeed, thanks