[SOLVED] Error in production environment

Hi, a new installation in production with Ubuntu 22.04, when deploying the application, it starts production environment and when entering the new password, when accepting it shows a screen with “Error” in red, without indicating anything else.

It is not possible to continue to create a connection.

SC 9.9.024 (10)

Production environment 1.0.001 Build 4

Has anyone seen the same?

in the case of Ubuntu, the path of the session.save_path variable of php.ini did not match the path that exists in the operating system /var/lib/php/sessions (by default it says /var/lib/php/session).

thanks to the SC people who helped me, Victoria and Alexis !

Can someone provide more info on this, im getting the same blank error when deploying my project from dev on windows machine to hosted production linux AMD EPYC architecture. What should i change the pho save path to? its currently /tmp and cpanel

anyone having the same issue, i inserted this code in my app_login to find the path on my dev system: <?php
echo 'Current session save path is: ’ . session_save_path();
and then changed that on my production php