[SOLVED] Error on Deploy

I just tried to deploy a simple application that I added security module to.
I am getting this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function chdir() on a non-object in /Applications/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/class/page/nmPagePublishWizard.class.php on line 1191

It will not deploy if I use “All Applications” or just select even just 1 application.

Just created a new application with just one grid and I am getting the same error.
I am using the SFTP deployment. Maybe I am using it wrong?
if I just create a zip its ok.

My SFTP settings are like this:

SFTP Server:
SFTP User: root
SFTP Password: pass
SFTP Path: /var/www/myproj/

Do I need to modify these values?


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Can report same error here…

Fatal error: Call to a member function chdir() on a non-object in /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/class/page/nmPagePublishWizard.class.php on line 1191

Any news about that?
Best regards


Are you also using SFTP to deploy your apps?

Does the same issue happens if you try to deploy to your filesystem (zip file)?


Hi Bernhard
Yes, i use SFT because FTP on my server also stops working and after a while a “Internal Server Error” occurs.
i found this message in a separate window when i do sftp…
Undefined variable: obj_ftp | Script: /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/class/page/nmPagePublishWizard.class.php linha: 1191

I tried now also the zip File: Internal Server Error

The only thing works for me is deploy to a local fodler…

Best regards

This doesn’t look to me as a Scriptcase issue. If you upload the zipfile, unpack and you get internal server error then for certain there’s something wrong in the configuration. I haven’t used (S)FTP just because you can’t see what’s going on and deploy locally and then use Filezilla for upload. It has failed me only on Windows server which was a security issue I had to change (temporary). But deployment on a wide range of servers never generated issues like these. After upload can you start the _lib and see the config section? Or does that fail too? Have you deployed to an existing application and something changed on the database side? If SC ‘thinks’ it is installed it will start your main application, but if the database is giving errors or is not there, you get obscure errors like these. Just some hints to look at.

no the error comes before the zip file is ready. Only deploy to local disk works. All other methods are not working. I have also the security module included.
If i do deploy to local disk on scriptcase server and the scp to my web folder, everything works fine.

Best regards


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

and happy new year!
This error still exists since more then 2 months… deploying is not nice for me like that, beause my WEB Server only have sftp…

Thank’s for give some status about that bug.

You can use filezilla for the time being and deploy by hand. In that case it is easy.
Now the point is whether sftp server is set correctly. In some cases you need PASV to transfer data, and in your case (seen the 192.168. …) you need it IF you transfer from outside that ip range.
Can you please check using filezilla (or any other sftp client staffftp probably does it as well) when transferring a file? I suspect that the ftp client from scriptcase does not support PASV and hence it fails.
You should be able to see that in the logs from your ftp server tho. As alternative you can install filezilla or ioftpd or even slimftpd instead of the standard windows ftp.
So which ftp serevr are you using and are you sending from outside your 192.168.x.x net? If so did you take care of properly portforwarding your PASV port range through your router?

my scriptcase is on a server which is behind a firewall.

scriptcase (10.10.0.x) => firewall => public IP

Ports to access scriptcase are forwarded from public IP to scriptcase server.

The server is accessible from outside via public IP. At the moment i publish to local folder and then i user rsync via ssh to publish it to my WEB Server.

rsync works without any problems. SFTP and FTP from scriptcase does not work.

Have you any idea how i can solve this, maybe open specific ports on the firewall?

Thx and have a nice day


Where is the Web Server, on a public IP in different location?

I also do it with rsync, although both of my servers are on the same LAN, and it has always worked well for me. It actually gives me one more level of testing before deploying to the Production Server, as I can test the deployed version before I rsync.


Hi Dave,
The WEB Server is not in the same LAN, it is on the productive LAN but in the same “location”, so far away from me.

Yes, rsync works very good, no problem. I deploy “local” to scriptcase server, do a ssh to scriptcase server and do an rsync to web server.

The SFTP or FTP option let me make everything from the Browser… that could be very lovely :slight_smile: But not work!

Best regards and thank’s

192.168.x.x is a local subnet and so is 10.10.0.x another net, to connect those nets using ftp (and thus also using sftp (not the same as ftps!)) you need to set your router on the 192.168.x.x so that the passive port range of your ftp server is passed through your router properly. For example check http://www.xlightftpd.com/tutorial/setup_behind_firewall.html on how to set if up for xlightftpd (other will be very similar).

As you see on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses you see that – is a private network. So different rules apply for that in the case of ftp.
Allow a range of 10 ports or so through your 192.168.x.x router and set your ftp server to use those. Then test with a normal ftp program (filezilla client) using that same pasv (passive) mode range.
Likely you even have to check your firewall for the 10.10.0.x range. You should get in contact with your local network admin with your problem, he can set things on the firewall to work properly.

If the servers are on the same lan it of course works fine since there is no passive range needed.

thank’s for your answer. I agree to everything you wrote. FTP is crazy to handle in configuration like this. I not like to setup the firewall for this.
The only hope i had ist SFTP (not FTPS). Then SFTP is over ssh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSH_File_Transfer_Protocol). With sftp you don’t have problems like you describe. But also SFTP not working. Why?

Best regards

SFTP needs a specific SFTP server but it also needs a port to be open to receive data from. Hence that port needs to be forwarded if it isnt yet. So there it also depends on the firewall/router.
You could use an alternative tho, set up a small website with a file uploader on it protected with password+ip number and upload via https. Then when the file is uploaded you can do stuff with it (e.g. copy the old files and replace them with the new ones) using standard php…
But then that is how I would circumvent this difficulty if the ports cant be forwarded properly.
Of course you could try setting your sftp server to another port that is forwarded properly but then you’d have to ask the people that administrate the firewall/router. sfp normally uses port 22 as far as I know.

yes, the sftp server is setup and works from every place in the net, also from private adresses behind dsl-routers :slight_smile: There is nothing to configure, because connection from the client to the firewall are allowed on (most) every router with internet access. Yes, sftp works on port 22, like ssh. Again, my WEB Server (and ftp server and sftp server) is on a public ip with no firewall. Only the scriptcase machine is behind a firewall. And ftp does not work in active mode like that… but sftp should work. But does not. rsync (also via ssh) works without any problems from the scriptcase machine to the webserver.

I havent tested sftp in scriptcase so I guess you need to turn on logging on your sftp server and check for what is going on. And check whether it even gets connected.
Abyway you could check this site: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4689540/how-to-sftp-with-php and make a similar example in php. If you can make normal php work with sftp and scriptcase doesnt work with it then the only thing I can think of is either a certificate problem or scriptcase has an error.


I have the same bug :frowning: Hope to get a fix or workaround soon.
