[SOLVED] Error when edit a user from Security Module, It Changes the password

Hi, i am using security module of SC.
If i Create a new user, its work fine.
BUT When i try edit a user, SC changes the password (MD5) for your real password:
So, User can not enter to app anymore.

I reported the same issue 10/2019. I typically experience it when adding/removing groups from a user.
As a workaround, I just ended up putting in a “before update” function that tests for clear text passwords and hashes them. But would prefer to have this resolved in the base code.

Hi, bgilmore, thanks you for your response.

I fixed the problem editing the form: app_form_edit_users
and changing “disabled field” propertie:


Thank a lot @alvagar It was driving me nuts!!! But the main question is… what is doing unencripted password in a editing form… where is it kept??? In a variable??? I thought that once you log in, that variable was erased…

Hello, @alvagar , @donkijote , @bgilmore

Firstly, we apologize for the delay in responding.

Please be advised that the issue has been detected and passed on to our developer team.

I’ll let you know here as soon as it’s fixed and released in a version.

Thanks to @alvagar for the suggestion.


Dear, @alvagar , @donkijote , @bgilmore

Fixed in release 9.10.018.
Version available for download and update.

NOTE: It will be necessary to recreate the module.