Hi, I Need help.
I have an App in SC 7, it has a button type link to a grid. It app work fine, BUT when i changed my project to SC8, I am getting an error.
I have same parameteres for my app in SC7 and SC8.
Attach a file with images.
Hi, I Need help.
I have an App in SC 7, it has a button type link to a grid. It app work fine, BUT when i changed my project to SC8, I am getting an error.
I have same parameteres for my app in SC7 and SC8.
Attach a file with images.
Issue reported to our bugs team.
Bernhard Bernsmann
Could you send me the tables involved in the link process? If possible with the export of its applications (the grid and the form).
Can send to my email is in my signature.
Thank you.
Hi Thomas,
I’ve the same issue with sc8, it works fine with sc7
basically, when linking from application to other application using image HMTL field… start creating link process… i chose “empty” for all destination global variables, but when executing the sql it adds alone “and (id = )” then it does give an error.
I think you need to fix the linking issue and if “empty” is selecting while linking then NO need for extra “and” in the where clause, otherwise shows this error and can’t open the target application
please consider this top urgent, i used sc8 again and this is the first issue faced which makes me really irritating (again)
by the way, the summary issue is not solved as well
if you have a grid start with a grid and has multiple group by rules, then clicking summary will giving no records found… support guy that day accessed my PC and he let me do a new grid and it works, but when keep adding the group by rules it gives this error… so i solved this temporary by making the summary starts by default, it works this way… but if starts with the grid, it doesn’t work… i guess this is less urgent but the one up there for the application link is really urgent… please fix it
Thomas! I sent you email with a link to this thread, please acknowledge and fix ASAP, i have 2 projects converted from sc7 has links and they are stopped because of this.
if parameter is selected “empty” then sc adds along this to the SQL statement “(and {field}= )”
please consider it urgent
Hello all,
I will perform some tests to conclude whether this really is really a bug.
Thank you!
It is a bug Thomas, you have all the needed information. Create control app, add few fields e.g. html image type, link to grid, FINE (no parameters) , but once there is parameter or if linking to form application, and you choose “empty” because you don’t want to play with target-app parameter… here we go, SC adds
(and {filed}= )
to the SQL statement, hence, the link will not work but will show sql error… enable debugging and see the added string as explained.
[SIZE=4]this requires urgent FIX[/SIZE].
This problem is already being solved by our development team and will be added in the next version to be fixed. I only ask to wait for, I update this topic when solved.
Thank you so much.
Great, can you give me just “roughly/approx” when it will be released please? I’ve clients waiting also, thanks.
I can not say anything because it does not depend on me, but is slated to release tomorrow (Thursday).
Thank you!
Thank you Thomas.
Hello again,
Can you update your ScriptCase and test?
Wait your response.
If dont work, please, send to my email your export applications.
Thank you!
Ok Thomas, but hopefully will work. I’m trying that right now, will update you accordingly.
Hi again Thomas, this is solved, link works now without adding extra sql statment string (and=) so it is solved,
but i discovered some new issue added it here
Thanks you, Thomas, Fixed it.
[QUOTE=MikeDE;29430]Hi again Thomas, this is solved, link works now without adding extra sql statment string (and=) so it is solved,
but i discovered some new issue added it here
Can you open a new Topic with more details about this problem?
Thank you for your feedback!
[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;29493]Can you open a new Topic with more details about this problem?
Thomas, i stopped the warnings and errors from php.ini and works ok but i will try to know why that is happening then inform you all about it