[SOLVED] Errors in IDE

Recently I updated SC to v8.1.020
Imported project from December which worked fine. Now I get tons of errors in IDE. Any ideas ?


and this error message in popup window:
Undefined offset: 6 | Script: C:\Program Files\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib\php\functions.inc.php linha: 2373


here is a diagnosis info for my SC8.1020 installation


Hello Mr. Klisiewicz,

The error happens in all application?
Please, send some application with the problem for we check better the problem.
Send to email: bugs@scriptcase.net

Best regard,
Netmake team

After update to SC v8.1.021 I removed TEMP folder, _LIB folder and regenerated project and it seems to be fine now. You can mark this as RESOLVED
