[SOLVED] File tab_erro_es.js not found

I’ve converted my v7 app to v8 and on execution I’ve see the file tab_erro_es.js is showed as not found in browser network monitor. Digging into _lib\js folder I’ve found that the only one tab_erro_*.js file is inside with the name tab_erro_.lang.js and it’s content is:

Nm_erro = {
  "lang_jscr_dcml" : "小數點",
  "lang_jscr_decm" : "十份之一秒",
  "lang_jscr_hour" : "小時",
  "lang_jscr_iday" : "日",
  "lang_jscr_intg" : "整數和",
  "lang_jscr_ivcr" : "信用卡號碼無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivdt" : "數據無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivem" : "電郵無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivnb" : "整數無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivtm" : "時間格式無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivv2" : "日期格式無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivvl" : "小數點位置無效",
  "lang_jscr_maxm" : "最大",
  "lang_jscr_maxm_date" : "最大日期",
  "lang_jscr_minm" : "最小",
  "lang_jscr_minm_date" : "最小日期",
  "lang_jscr_mint" : "分鐘",
  "lang_jscr_mnth" : "月",
  "lang_jscr_msfr" : "表格必須有名稱",
  "lang_jscr_mslg" : "沒有登入資訊",
  "lang_jscr_msob" : "這個項目必須要有名稱",
  "lang_jscr_mxdg" : "數字超出預計值",
  "lang_jscr_mxvl" : "長度超出最大值",
  "lang_jscr_nnum" : "只可數字",
  "lang_jscr_nvlf" : "負號必須在數值的左邊",
  "lang_jscr_reqr" : "必須填寫",
  "lang_jscr_secd" : "秒",
  "lang_jscr_wfix" : "﹣是否需要更改?"

Good afternoon.

Please, if possible send me a backup of your Scriptcase 7, for I check the problem.

You can to use Dropbox or other service for send me the file.

This error not occurred here, and we have no other reports of problems of this type
You can to send the file for email: support@scriptcase.net

I await your return.

Scriptcase team.

We can simulate the problem and was sent to the responsible department.

Apparently this error does not affect the operation of the application and can be used without problems.

Once we receive a return on the case will contact you.

Scriptcase Team

also facing the same problem. We had it also in v8 scriptcase, and yesterdays we made an update to the latest version (8.1.008) and the error is still here. This file is not found _lib/js/tab_erro_de.js and in the lib/js/ there is only one file tab_erro.lang.js and the content of a file is:

Nm_erro = {
  "lang_jscr_dcml" : "小數點",
  "lang_jscr_decm" : "十份之一秒",
  "lang_jscr_hour" : "小時",
  "lang_jscr_iday" : "日",
  "lang_jscr_intg" : "整數和",
  "lang_jscr_ivcr" : "信用卡號碼無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivdt" : "數據無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivem" : "電郵無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivnb" : "整數無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivtm" : "時間格式無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivv2" : "日期格式無效",
  "lang_jscr_ivvl" : "小數點位置無效",
  "lang_jscr_maxm" : "最大",
  "lang_jscr_maxm_date" : "最大日期",
  "lang_jscr_minm" : "最小",
  "lang_jscr_minm_date" : "最小日期",
  "lang_jscr_mint" : "分鐘",
  "lang_jscr_mnth" : "月",
  "lang_jscr_msfr" : "表格必須有名稱",
  "lang_jscr_mslg" : "沒有登入資訊",
  "lang_jscr_msob" : "這個項目必須要有名稱",
  "lang_jscr_mxdg" : "數字超出預計值",
  "lang_jscr_mxvl" : "長度超出最大值",
  "lang_jscr_nnum" : "只可數字",
  "lang_jscr_nvlf" : "負號必須在數值的左邊",
  "lang_jscr_reqr" : "必須填寫",
  "lang_jscr_secd" : "秒",
  "lang_jscr_wfix" : "﹣是否需要更改?"


This problem has been solved.
Please, update your ScriptCase.

Thank you!