[SOLVED] Files to fix onbur events bug and twice clic bugs


I received this from bugs team, I try it and it’s work !!!
generator.zip is in my ftp because of upload limit

user : sc_test
pwd : sc_test



As I told, the fix will be included in next update release.
as you need with urgency, in exception, we will send the file of this correction for you.
Download the zip in attached, unzip this file in directory “/devel/class/generator/”

Files to be updated:

NOTE: before this procedure, make a backup of the files that will be replaced.

best regards,
Netmake team

So no reason for putting threats below posts of people that try to help you. Agreed?

I think you misunderstand me Albert , my threads are only for sc bugs team and support and never against you!!!

I know you try to help us, and I always thank you for that :slight_smile:

You don’t know maybe , but to have those 2 files I send more than 20 emails to bug, support and sales this last days, because bugs team don’t realize really what happend.

Best regards

Point is that you are replying to my post, not those of SC. It’s not very motivating if I put pressure at the SC organisation and then read remarks that is not helping anybody. I am helping because I want to, not because you put threads in your posts. Even if it is not addressed to me. But appearantly it’s your style and that’s why I step back.

Sorry Albert, it was not my intention to be in conflit with you !!!

I will make attention to my style in the future…

Hi, Nacyil is possible you share file generator.zip ?

He/She did…


I (He) put generator.zip on my ftp because of upload limit

user : sc_test
pwd : sc_test

i try withe the generator.zip but did not solve the problem.
Nacyil your problem is solved??

ok now it has become a ridiculous thing.
I tried the updates from sc and found 5 updates, BUT HAVE NOT SOLVED !!!
when I change the value of a date field that has an ajax event onchange,
inserting and update does not work anymore !!!


We readed you marco. Please, don’t post the same in all threads. Bumping once is enough

Besides that… if you pasted the files in the required folder and then use the SC updater those files will be removed and replaced by the ones SC have by default.

so paste the files, and do not update until there’s a official NetMake release fixing the issue.



Yes, I confirm that replacing those 2 files, and generate the code of your project, New and update bug and twice clic bug causing by onbur event is fixed

I test it yesterday and deploy my project on my vps all my customers are working with since yesterday without any problem


if the field with the onchange event is a field DATE the problem is not solved.



These files fixes the bug when have a field with onblur event and have a button. before fix it was necessary click twice in button. Or when create a onblur event in decimal field with calculator.
These correction already is included in last release 8.00.0035

These files don’t fixes the problem with event onChange.
for others problem I ask that you create a new topic explaining the problem, for we analyze better.

Have a nice day.

Best regard,
Netmake team.