
Hello forum,

if I create(provide) a form after the last update and want to run afterwards, entet always with the mistake message " Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{’ in C:\Program files (x86) \NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\Laufzettel\form_mailcheck\sc_logged.php on Line 10 "

Here the code of line 1 to 20

  1. ? php
  2. // __ NM ____ NM __ NFUNCTION __ NM __ //
  3. function sc_logged ($user)
  4. {
  5. $str_sql = " SELECT date_login FROM sec_logged WHERE login = ’ ". $user. “’”;
  6. sc_select (data, $str_sql);
  7. if ({data} === FALSE ||! isset ($data-> fields [0]))
  8. {
  9. sc_logged_in ($user);
  10. return true;
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. sc_reset_apl_conf (“sec_logged”);
  15. sc_redir (“sec_logged”, user = $ user, ‘modal’);
  16. return false;
  17. }

Current I can create(provide) with Scriptcase no form. What I can do

[QUOTE=HamburgSeaDevil;35989]Hello forum,

if I create(provide) a form after the last update and want to run afterwards, entet always with the mistake message " Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{’ in C:\Program files (x86) \NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\Laufzettel\form_mailcheck\sc_logged.php on Line 10 "

Here the code of line 1 to 20

  1. ? php
  2. // __ NM ____ NM __ NFUNCTION __ NM __ //
  3. function sc_logged ($user)
  4. {
  5. $str_sql = " SELECT date_login FROM sec_logged WHERE login = ’ ". $user. “’”;
  6. sc_select (data, $str_sql);
  7. if ({data} === FALSE ||! isset ($data-> fields [0]))
  8. {
  9. sc_logged_in ($user);
  10. return true;
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. sc_reset_apl_conf (“sec_logged”);
  15. sc_redir (“sec_logged”, user = $ user, ‘modal’);
  16. return false;
  17. }

Current I can create(provide) with Scriptcase no form. What I can do[/QUOTE]

Is this a piece of generated code, or a part of event code? It’s obvious that there’s a missing ) after FALSE. The line should be:

  1. if (({data} === FALSE) ||(! isset ($data-> fields [0])))

Der Code wird so von Scriptcase generiert. Danke f?r die Info, so kann ich mich behelfen.

The code is generated by ScriptCase . Thanks for the info , I can manage myself .

Leider l?uft das Formular im Generator auch dann nicht, wenn ich den Code von Hand ?ndere.

Unfortunately, the form in the generator will not play if I change the code by hand .

I use ScriptCase Devel : 8.0.041

[QUOTE=HamburgSeaDevil;35992]Leider l?uft das Formular im Generator auch dann nicht, wenn ich den Code von Hand ?ndere.

Unfortunately, the form in the generator will not play if I change the code by hand .

I use ScriptCase Devel : 8.0.041[/QUOTE]

No, I think that you need to change the code after generating The log section most likely will be regenerated on every form change. The ‘fun’ part is that I’m using the logging pretty intense and have no issues, so I wonder where this problem comes from. One thing to try is to create a new form under a different name and apply loggin to see if this gives you the same problem.

I have created a new user .
Under the new user I created in an existing project a new form.
The same error occurs again.
If I change the error by hand , the change from the generator at the start of the form is changed again into Incorrect .

Ich habe einen neuen User angelegt.
Unter dem neuen User habe ich in einem bestehenden Projekt ein neues Formular erstellt.
Der selbe Fehler tritt erneut auf.
Wenn ich den Fehler von Hand ?ndere, wird die ?nderung vom Generator beim Start des Formulares wieder ins Fehlerhafte ge?ndert.

I have under the new user creates a new project and then create a new form .
Now it works without error.
But of course I have to work on my old project and my old forms more.

Ich habe unter dem neuen User ein neues Projekt erzeugt und dann ein neues Formular.
Nun klappt es ohne Fehler.
Aber ich muss nat?rlich an mein altes Projekt und an meine alten Formulare weiter arbeiten


This application was created in security module of scriptcase?
Please, send me this application and tables for we check better the problem.
send to email? bugs@netmake.net

Best Regard
Netmake team

I sent the files via email.
The files were created in the security mode.

My Version: 8.00.0042

Best Regard

I have created a new project and the old forms imported into the new project.

Now I can create new forms.

The ticket can be closed.

Best Regards