[SOLVED] Forms do not take the {id} field in the onAfterInsert event

Hello everyone. After updating to version 9.10.021(2), all forms do not take the {id} field in the onAfterInsert event. In all my applications I used the id field in onAfterInsert to do some operation with the id registered in the database. Now the id field is set to zero

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any news on this? I’m having the same issue.

I am facing the same problem. This defect has forced me to stop development. It is a serious issue.

Yes I have the same problem. Resolve urgently…
On the onAfterInsert event the ID field is not evaluated.
This causes all queries to fail

Dear @kkkpe @reyi2403 @FabioValdez @dilipb

The problem has already been identified and corrected in the version that is about to be released (9.10.022).

As soon as it is released, we will be providing feedback through this thread.

Best regards!

Dear @kkkpe, @reyi2403, @FabioValdez, @dilipb

The fix was released in version 9.10.022, which is now available for download/update.

Best regards!