[SOLVED] forum errors

when posting on the foprum I get this:

Missing human verification information.


This problems has been fixed! We updated the Forum.

OK, great.
Since you do some changes I have few suggestions:

  1. Forum has to many categories and you probably need to limit them to no more than abround a dozen (12).
  2. In the CODE examples you allow to post users questions which is not the purpose of this category , so need to manage posts and keep some discipline. At this moment the forum contant is a mess.
  3. Find a CSS there that will allow messages and forum take less space (so there is less scrolling)
  4. Update my profile image! (do not tell me you’ve lost it!)
  5. Publish some contact info for the forum admin, so people can report issues and bugs immediately


Dear ADMIN - why have you changed the status to ‘resolved’ while there are still bugs and the Forum is not working as expected.