[SOLVED] Generate soure-code hangs for form SC6

When i click on the generate source-code or the run icon escpecialy for Forms i see the message "Generating source-code " and it hangs for ever and nothing happens.:confused:
Same procedure for Grid is no problem, the source-code is generated within seconds.

I found in another Thread as a solution to change a few timings within php.ini but this did not work for me.

Anybody any idea how i can solve this issue?

My SC is Version 6.00.0039

Delete files in tmp and perhaps in …/app/<your_app>

Thx Reinhard,

unfortunalety this does not help.
Issue still exist any other idea?

For my its strange the genarating source-code for Grids works fine and fast and for Forms it hangs, make no sense to me.

Problem solved now. It was a memory issue.
I changed the following values within php.ini:
memory_limit -> 1024M
max_execution_time -> 360
post_max_size -> 256M

And the most important I need to restart the server.