Want to replace the title text label from the grid, to put an icon
How to do this?
Re: Grid field title label, icon not text. HOW ?
why don’t you use a Header variable to put an image in the header?
Header Variables -> LINx_COLx -> select type “Image” -> select your image
Clear the tekst in “Grid title” if you don’t want to display this text.
Re: Grid field title label, icon not text. HOW ?
Thanks for the reply
But what I want to change is the label of field or field title (the same thing), not the label of the grid header.
In the field properties select “Data type” and after that is “Label”. Here the “Label” want to put an icon, not a text.
How can I do this?
Re: Grid field title label, icon not text. HOW ?
put something like this in “Label”:
<img src="http://www.ad.nl/ad/images/logos/acap.gif ">
(don’t forget the backslash before the double quotes).
Wow it works!
Re: Grid field title label, icon not text. HOW ?
Thanks… it works
I am a beginner…
was indeed a simple solution …
I hope this post will help others like me …
That’s cool and all but it doesn’t work! It breaks the grid and you get server error when you run it. The image shows up under the label when you add the code in the label but it won’t run!
I tried this:
<img src="http://server:(port#)/scriptcase7/devel/conf/sys/img/img/image.png"><span title='{lang_field_hint}'>{lang_tble_fild_fieldid}</span>
It wouldn’t run so I left out the hint and lang label and used just the code for the image and it still won’t run.
Also, what do you mean by
(don’t forget the backslash before the double quotes).
Still wondering why this won’t work! I’ve tried it several different ways and the app doesn’t load. Does this not work in SC7?