Fatal error: Cannot redeclare nm_normalize_fld_name() (previously declared in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\lib\php\functions.inc.php:7811) in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\compat
m_import.inc.php on line 4310
Please try again update the ScriptCase, clean the folders scriptcase/tmp and the project folder in scriptcase/app.
After update, run the source code of all your project again and check if the problem persists.
thanks its works now.
On the security sample project: I added some fields to the table sec_users, and I added the fields on the add and edit form users respectively. When I execute the form, it accepted the inputs and vlidates it but did not commit it to database, please what must I do sir.
Try to enable the debug mode in application settings to check how it is being done in the database.
I’ll set this thread as solved.