[SOLVED] Images Uploaded to the Images Manager Cannot Be Seen and Used Again Subsequently

I added an icon image to a menu application after first uploading the image to the projects Icon folder. Later after logging out I noticed that the icon image had disappeared from the folder, so I tried to upload it once more. It was now added as “filename(1).ico”, which seem to indicate that the original icon file is still there, but cannot be seen in the Images Manager’s icon folder. After logging out and back in again the new “filename(1).ico” had “disappeared” as well. However, the application still displays the original icon. I tried using the public icon folder instead, but the problem is also there.

I tried to add an icon image to the project. However, there it seems that the image is not stored correctly in the project, because when I use the “File” -> “Open Project” function and see a list of my projects, there is a generic image indicating a missing image file.


I simulated the problem and report to our development team. Once it is fixed, we are providing the fix in our update.

Thank you for the feedback Orion.
The bug was fixed and should be avaliable within the future updates.


This problem has been solved in update 8.1.016.
Please, update your ScriptCase.

Thank you!

Hi John,

I have updated my ScriptCase and the problem is solved. I can now see the picture that I earlier entered. Thanks for your help.