[SOLVED] Importing project "The file was not created by Scriptcase version 9"

I’m trying to import a project exported from Scriptcase 9.09.0021 and import it to Scriptcase 9.10.0023.

I get an error, “The file was not created by Scriptcase version 9”

Does anyone know how to get around this?

I think that the SCRIPTCASE team should answer this question. :sweat_smile:

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Yes, they should. I can hardly wait.

It’ll be great.


We suggest that you contact the tool’s support via chat or support@scriptcase.net.

For problems like the one you are facing, support will be able to provide you with greater support, and if necessary, provide remote access to help you resolve the problem.

Best regards!

I already solved it by upgrading both systems to the same version.

I was lucky that upgrading both systems was possible: I don’t own the newer server.

That isn’t how “export” and “import” are supposed to work, traditionally. Backward compatibility (at the very least) is assumed by “import”.

Go ahead and suggest that the developers fix it, and I’ll plan around there being no reliable export/import functionality now, or ever.