[SOLVED]incredible, bug using MsAccess continue up to date

Hi Scriptcase Team,

I report these bug since V6.0021 and today I have download the last version V7.0011 and the same bug stay without any change

You can do a test very easy, use any MsAccess database with TABLES and VIEWS
create a new Scriptcase project, connect to this database

create a NEW grid application, select the database connection, select the application source and Scriptcase dropdown list only display TABLES and never display the VIEWS

check the connection advanced filter and you can see checked TABLES and VIEWS but Scriptcase ignore this filter.

PLEASE FIX THIS BUG, I’AM STOPED IN VERSION 6.0020, I have rignts to upgrade to V7 up to September/2013 BUT I can’t do it by this bug !!!


I receive only the answer “CHANGE THE DATABASE TO MYSQL” but my Scriptcase version is for “MsAccess”, I prefer MsAccess, I pay a lot more money by this MySql/MsAccess Scriptcase Version, and it is not fair not to attend my order.

Hello Aquiles,

Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hello Aquiles,

I was informed by our bugs team that after v6.00.027 a few issues were fixed on the MS Access connection.

Because of those fixes, there are a few pre-requisites you have to install in order to get your connection running without any issues.

Please see our documentation: http://downloads.scriptcase.com.br/downloads/v7/manual/en_us/webhelp/manual_mp/06-Tutoriais/01-access/00-msaccess.htm

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Bernhard,

Yes, I follow all these steps, BUT please do this easy test :

Use any .mdb or .accdb database (with TABLES and VIEWS) , create the odbc data source.

open Scriptcase, create a new project, create the connection to the odbc database.

create a new grid application, try to bind this grid application to any VIEW and ??? where are the views ??

if this test run ok then please inform to my mail or in this forum …


I test V7 in a PC with Win7, MsAccess2007 and .accdb database
I test V6 in a PC with WinVista, MsAccess2003 and .mdb database

Up to V6.0020 all runs ok

Hello Aquiles,

I will pass your test information to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


This problem has been fixed in the update 8.0.009


Was it an issue/bug with the template you used? Or just some misconfiguration?
