[SOLVED] Informes

En Proyecto, informes, lista de apicaciones, exist?a una opci?n para generar el sql del insert para la aplicaci?n, qu? pas? con esta, la van a activar ?


Could you please repost your question in english?

Bernhard Bernsmann


Could illustrate with a picture? Where possible with some version in which there was this option. Thank you.


with pleasure.

take this opportunity to send you another example of another fault I reported, but neither has done anything about it

those who say “ver_x_informe” is asking me,

the other two “ver_x_exportar” are on the export summary grid, thanks for your attention






The reason it was removed is simple. In Scriptcase there is an option to generate the summary with the chart, and we can not export the graph data otherwise without be via PDF, so there is no other option than this.

You have much need for these exports to other options? If needed, we can help you solve this problem somehow.

Thank you!

The truth is that my clients are already accustomed to exporting to excel, to perform additional work.

My intention is not to bother, but as I explain to clients that can not make this kind of export? If there is any way that would be great


I will contact the development team so that you can pass this solution soon!

Thank you!