[SOLVED] insert with button (calculated fields are empty )

Hi , I try to do a update in a grid with a button for recording in an external table.
I do not get to have all the fields in my insert. Those in the sql table are the cons by those calculated in the grid are empty .
The sql is correct but calculated fields
*’ HEB ’ = > "’ { HEB }’ "
*****’ DEP ’ = > "’ { DEP }’ "
*’ CARE ’ = > "’ { CARE }’ "
****’ C114 ’ = > “’ { P114 }’ "
’ C116 ’ => " 0” "
****‘TOTAL’ = > "’ { TOTAL }’ "

$ base = mysql_connect ( ‘localhost’ , ‘root’ ,’’) ;
mysql_select_db (’ a6cav ‘, $ base) ;
$ insert_table = ’ indem_prov ’ / / Table name
$ insert_fields = array ( / / Field list , add as many as needed
*****‘num’ => " ‘NULL’ "
*****’ ETAB ’ => “[ etab ] '”
*****‘SECT ’ => "[ section ] " ,
*****’ MAT ’ = > “’ { MAT }’ "
*****‘NAME’ = > “’ { NAME }’ "
*****‘YEAR’ => " '2013 '”
‘CAT ’ = > "’ { } CATBP '”
*****’ HEB ’ = > "’ { HEB }’ "
*****’ DEP ’ = > "’ { DEP }’ "
*’ CARE ’ = > "’ { CARE }’ "
****’ C114 ’ = > “’ { P114 }’ "
’ C116 ’ => " 0” "
****‘TOTAL’ = > "’ { TOTAL }’ "
*) ;

/ / Insert record
$ insert_sql = ’ INSERT INTO a6cav.indem_prov (’. implode ( ‘,’, array_keys ($ insert_fields ) ). ‘) ’
****. ’ VALUES (’ implode ( ‘,’, array_values ​​($ insert_fields ) ) . . ‘) ;
mysql_query ($ insert_sql ) or die (’ SQL error ! ’ $ insert_sql ‘<br />’ mysql_error (). . . )


Yes I solved only in the php code Button must return the complete code for the event on record.
I thought departing the value calculated fields was back in post see get … in short anything!
So in the button should reset the code of the event!
