[SOLVED] Is this a bug for master/detail forms

Hi All,

I have on the master form a field for the customer name. I want a “combobox” type of look up with a “edit” button to the side for me to add a new customer on the fly.

I followed the tutorial “Editing a select field using another form” and it did not work. It started another instance of the master form, not the customer form.

I did the tutorial application in the samples project and it worked fine - but it was one simple form to another.

On the master form it seems to have a problem.

Has anyone else seen this?



I have hacked one of the sample master/detail apps and got it to work there, but no joy on my app. I have checked each setting per the tutorial, but still can find nothing that I am doing wrong. Strangely, in the source code for the form_invoices_apl.php file there is no mention of the form_customer. I thought there should have been as this is the linking app for the lookup.

I did a little try, and seems like you say. Don’t know why or from when (because I normally don’t use this capability), but I needed today and gt the same behaviour like you.

P.S.: Please, for future posting, if you are not sure is a bug, don’t post in BUG subforum, I will move if needed.

Thank goodness. I thought I was going nuts. I just added another simple form application for the customer table, but I still got the same result as well, so I suppose it is inside the Master/Detail form.

Hopefully, it will not be long before it is fixed.

Hello, Tony!

What you really want to do, don’t need to be from a master/details forms, as the tutorial is teaching, you just need to choose the field who will be changed to select, and will be registered at other form. After this you have to create a modal link from this application for other different application that you have a form.

Att : Gustavo Veras
Scriptcase Support

Thanks Gustavo,

I believe that what you have mentioned is what I am doing. Here are the steps I have followed.

  1. The field customer on my “master” invoice form, is an integer, linked to the customer file. I opened up the general settings for that field.
  2. I changed the data type field to Select.
  3. In the lookup settings section, I inserted the SQL select statement as
    SELECT cu_id, cu_name
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY cu_name
  4. I then set up the link to a form_customer, with no parameters, and then set as modal.
  5. I ran the application, and the drop down list box appears with current customers listed, and an Edit button appears to the right.
  6. I click on the Edit button a “master” invoice form appears in the modal window and not the customer form.

So today, I deleted the link in the field settings, and added a link under the main link section to a grid, but to no avail (as was to be expected), so I deleted that link and went back into the field details once again, and added the link back to the customer form.

This time it worked. There was absolutely no difference to what I had placed in the field link settings before, but obviously there must have been some internal setting that got changed, where a normal edit of field link details failed to update it correctly. Whether adding the link to the grid (in the main link section) and then deleting it was the catalyst to fixing the internal settings I can only surmise, but it did the trick.


Hello, Tony!

Very Good!
It was feeling me strange, when i checked this post, i did in my Scriptcase the same situation and was working normal. I checked the tutorial and is correct.
But if it’s working now, no problems.

Any questions i’m available
Gustavo Veras
Scriptcase Team