We have a link to a foreign key which works well in 7 but not in 8. In version 7 you can set a parameter to empty which causes this field not to be used in the sql statement. In version 8 it will cause the unused field added to the query, but with an empty value causing no records to be found. Call it a feature, I call this a bug. If this feature has been added to 8 then add another option like ‘unused’ so that we can suppress these fields to appear in the sql statement.
That means that for example if we have a key SC_QRY in the link that we get a piece of code (and error) in the sql saying … WHERE … and (SC_QRY=) …
That never happend in SC7.1 and SC7
This problem still persists?
Yes it does, we did the latest SC8 update…
We have simulated your problem and report to our development team. In the next updates will be releasing a fix for this issue.
Hello Albert,
One problem that has been fixed in this category last update. But I wonder if the problem still persists.
If yes, please tell me step by step illustrated with pictures so I can simulate in my system.
Thank you.
It is not solved. I will send you a private email with a document containing screenshots. In general SC will generate a wrong sql statement when the primary key is not fully used. We have a mastertable ‘workflow definition’ and a detail ‘workflow steps’. The workflow steps have a field containing a sequence so that we can reorder the steps without the need of changing keys (which is not easy in sc). To reorder we use a multirecord form. Creating a link to a multirecord form requires that you omit a part of the key as you need to see the full flow. So the technical sequencefield is not used, but still generated with an empty value causing a sql error.
the email with the word document has been emailed to you.
Good, i hope this issue be fixed soon.
This problem is already being solved by our development team and will be added in the next version to be fixed. I only ask to wait for, I update this topic when solved.
Thank you so much.
[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;29325]Hi,
This problem is already being solved by our development team and will be added in the next version to be fixed. I only ask to wait for, I update this topic when solved.
Thank you so much.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Thomas,
I appreciate the efforts SC is currently doing.
Hello again,
Can you update your ScriptCase and test?
Wait your response.
If dont work, please, send to my email your export applications.
Thank you!
At first sight it seems to work now. Need some more testing as other things are going wrong, but that might be an issue of some other kind as I was not able to test before. For now, this issue can be closed, I will reopen when necessary. Thanks, this was a real showstopper!
Hello Albert,
Thank you!
Have a good week.