[SOLVED] menu cant show

Dear all,
today, after we update SC 8.
we look on menu, not show data.
(please look attachment)

can you help me for this case


…Me too!

…Me too!.
if you have any solution, helppppp

Same issue here. Menu items not visible.


To resolve this issue simply clear the cache of your browser.

Thank you.[/SIZE]

There are more bugs in .0018 as my colleague told me.
In one of our forms in .0017 we could fill in the fields including making mistakes, then we had an error and we could correct errors and save the record.
In .0018 we fill in a form, it goes to a save and then shows an error… Kind of odd, so nobody can correct the error… Of course it worked in .0017 and before…
We’ll wait till the next fix…

So now we rolled back to .0016 and the most serious bug suddenly vanished…

Behaviour in .0016:
We have a form with fields in it that need to be filled in. We forget a field with the email and press on de save button. This properly shows an error. We fill in the field and we save, this then works as it should.

In .0017 and .0018
We have a form with fields in it that need to be filled in. We forget a field with the email and press on de save button. This properly shows an error. We fill in the field and we save, and we get an error like SELECT … FROM myforms WHERE NR=
where NR= is just that not NR= followed by some number (our primary key) as it should. The code was exactly the same under .0016, .0017 and .0018
Hence in .0017 there is a new bug introduced.
Luckily I keep making backups of the entire scriptcase dir each time before we do an upgrade…
Needless to say that this is not a cache issue (which by the way was cleared).

Clearing cache is needed because some javascripts and definitely the css files are taken from the cache instead of from the website itself. I know that, so for a new version I already do a selective cache clearing.
Some browsers do not update the css files although they should.
A simple solution is here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12717993/stylesheet-not-updating and the ctrl+F5 also works…

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bypass_your_cache


You could show this error in a picture please?

I created a project with version .018 with an email field type, but entered the data correctly, even forcing a mistake.

Thank you!

Note: Provide more details for example, form type, using events, if there ajax events.