[SOLVED] New bug in ScriptCase v8.1.010

On the form when the text field is defined as autoincrement (manual), extra information about file size is displayed on the right in update mode (see pictures below). This is new in version 8.1.010, previous version work OK (including 8.1.009 I think).

Workaround is to set field type as Integer (without digit grouping) but maybe you can fix this in next version.




I could simulate the problem. But I have to meet with analysts to whether we should remove the manual auto increment option in text fields or we will support it.
Therefore simulated in version 7 and also did not work there.
I imagine that perhaps it would be useful for manual increments as a1, a2, a3, a4…
However, the database itself the AUTO_INCREMENT option is only displayed for integer fields.

Thank you for fast response. Manual autoincrement for text fields work OK (what is very good and I don’t see why you shoud remove it) and only problem now is display that field in update mode. It was not problem in earlier versions of Scriptcase 8 and 8.1, as I remember (look the first screen in my prior post: ‘[SOLVED]Bugs with new cp1250 code page in “form” application type’, it is the same aplication). Maybe, it is some silly bug with missing comma or something similar.

Workaround, what I wrote earlier, do the job if a content of the field is numeric. Please, do not remove manual auto increment option in text fields, it is a fantastic solution.

Best regards,


[QUOTE=dbarbul;41529]Thank you for fast response. Manual autoincrement for text fields work OK (what is very good and I don’t see why you shoud remove it) and only problem now is display that field in update mode. It was not problem in earlier versions of Scriptcase 8 and 8.1, as I remember (look the first screen in my prior post: ‘[SOLVED]Bugs with new cp1250 code page in “form” application type’, it is the same aplication). Maybe, it is some silly bug with missing comma or something similar.

Workaround, what I wrote earlier, do the job if a content of the field is numeric. Please, do not remove manual auto increment option in text fields, it is a fantastic solution.

Best regards,


Yes, we’ll to fix this bug.


This problem has been solved in release 8.1.011.
Please, update your ScriptCase.

​Thank you!