[SOLVED] New Security module ERRORS - Bug

Hello, When I generate the new security I got 2 errors:

  1. Undefined global variables in Users. sett_password_strength, sett_password_min and sett_smtp

  2. If I modify the variables, when I save a new user got this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_merge(): Argument #1 must be of type array, string given in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\ap_form_edit_users_apl.php:5916 Stack trace: #0 C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\ap_form_edit_users_apl.php(5916): array_merge(’’, Array) #1 C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\ap_form_edit_users_apl.php(5333): ap_form_edit_users_apl->send_mail_to_admin() #2 C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\ap_form_edit_users_apl.php(1405): ap_form_edit_users_apl->nm_acessa_banco() #3 C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\index.php(2824): ap_form_edit_users_apl->controle() #4 {main} thrown in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\SanGabrielBORRAR\ap_form_edit_users\ap_form_edit_users_apl.php on line 5916

Dear, @gbillot3

The issue has been fixed and released in version 9.10.011, which is now available for download/update.

You will need to recreate the security module.


I am running Scriptcase 9.10.014(6) and after I install the security module and a new user perform his/her registration, the activation link on the email the user get does not work, most of times. After clicking on the activation link into the email, the user is presented with a screen showing:

Create connections

The following global variables are missing:sett_password_strength; sett_password_min;

Sometimes things go well and the user is properly directed to the login screen after clicking on the activation link received by email. But many times, specially under Google Chrome, the user get the above mentioned error.

How should I proceed to solve the issue?



Dear, @danielp .

First of all, thank you for contacting us. We have already passed the error on to our development team to be corrected.

The solution to this case is very simple. Below is the step-by-step guide to do this.

  1. Edit your project’s “app_form_add_users” application.
  2. Access the item in the menu. Application → Global Variable.
  3. Enable the variables “sett_password_strength” and “set_password_min” as OUT.
  4. Save, generate the source and publish again.


I followed your instructions and the error message (below) is no longer seen. However, when I tried to log in into the system I got a message indicating that the user was not active (find screenshot below).

Create connections
The following global variables are missing:sett_password_strength; sett_password_min;

How should I proceed?



Dear @danielp ,

Did you click on the link you received by email after registering as a new user?

The link, received by email, when clicked, authorizes the user to access the system.

What type of security module are you using?


Yes, I clicked on the link and then got the message shown into the screenshot into the last message. Currently, I am running Scriptcase 9.10.014 (6) and installed the security module from that.



Dear, @danielp

We are on release 9.10.016, update your version and try to recreate the security module to test.

Based on the tests carried out in this release, this feature is working in the security module


The instructions you previously gave me (below) are already implemented into this latest version?

Edit your project’s “app_form_add_users” application.
Access the item in the menu. Application → Global Variable.
Enable the variables “sett_password_strength” and “set_password_min” as OUT.
Save, generate the source and publish again.



Dear, @danielp

Fixed in release 9.10.018.
Version available for download and update.