[SOLVED] Not work macro sc_master_value

After last 8.1.042 update does not work the macro sc_master_value()

same problem !!!
Please, is urgent !!!
billing applications with master / detail does not work well after update


Please. send me more details about this problem to e-mail bugs@scriptcase.net


The problem was simulated internally and the fix will be made available in the next update.


This problem was corrected internally and will be available in the next update.
We are providing the files containing the correction in order to speed up for users who have encountered this problem.

Link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B75tJv5ho17pemFCR3NnNDJfQ1U&usp=sharing
You must download the file (according to your version of PHP) and replace the current file in your ScriptCase folder.

Path: scriptcase/devel/class/generator/
File name: nmFontePHPForm.class.php

Solved !!!
Excelent John !!!
Best Regards


This problem was solved in our last release, 8.1.043.

Best regard,
Netmake team